Taskeo - A simple task manager.
Simple task manager (really basic) made with Flutter - Beautiful native apps in record time. It let you create task, add todo inside a task.
- We will use google_fonts package to manage fonts directly from Google Fonts repository.
- We will use flutter_svg package to use SVG assets exported from our design software.
State management
We will use the famous Bloc Pattern from flutter_bloc for state management.
Data access
For data access, we will use repository pattern. It will add an abstraction layer on top of that data access. That layer will be very helpful when we want to reuse those repository interfaces.
- We will use sqflite package to persist data inside the device.
- path_provider to help us with the sqlite database path.
Dependency injection (DI)
We will use get_it package for dependency injection.
Made with ❤️️ in Madagascar 🇲🇬
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